
How to Clean and Care For your Menstrual Cup
If you are sure of adding a menstrual cup to your kitty of menstrual hygiene products then you can easily buy menstrual cup online and start your routine of having a safe and hygienic period. All you need to do is to comprehend the way it should be taken care of if you are using a menstrual cup. It is a simple product without any fuss that can make your life easy...

Menstrual Cups Make Life Easier With its Benefits
Periods are undoubtedly one of the most challenging days for a girl who has to manage her day-to-day life with it. Carrying out our regular duties puts us under extreme pressure and fatigue but if we look at the problems that come with periods, we can give a pat on our back to carry on without bringing it on our faces. The days where most females experience mild to extreme...

Explore the Best Menstrual Cup That Makes Life Comfortable for Beginners During the Most Difficult Days
The menstrual cup comes as a big relief for females when it comes to dealing with their periods. The period days bring different experiences for different females. For some, it is like a nightmare and some pass the days comfortably. There are no set parameters for it but one thing is for sure, using the right menstrual hygiene products during the most important days of the month is inevitable. It...

Are menstrual cups a safe option if we want to switch from the traditional menstrual hygiene product?
Menstrual hygiene is one of the very important issues that every woman deals with. Whether you belong to a rural or urban background nobody can remain indifferent to the sensitive matter. Menstruation is a long-term ongoing process that affects every woman in its own way. Some get into the habit of dealing with it every month while some go through a series of changes that are difficult for them to...

6 Period Hygiene Mistakes We Have All Made
6 Period Hygiene Mistakes We Have All Made Menstruation is a companion for every girl since the age of 13 which is why we are all likely to make these 6 period hygiene mistakes, it can also come a bit earlier or later. Periods make our days messy and may also make them painful. It is a 28-day cycle and may also fluctuate due to some reasons. Period Days are...

Menstrual blood clots are not normal? Myth vs Fact
Myth: Menstrual blood clots are not normal We have almost 40 crores of menstruating women in India. Menstrual bleeding is a natural biological process with women having uterus and ovaries. Menstruation age for most of the girls falls between 11-15 years, but some might get a bit earlier and some later. Normally it is a 28-day cycle which is an average figure with bleeding typically lasting around 4 to 5...

Common Period Problems: Treatment, Management and Summary
Common Period Problems: Treatment, Management and Summary Periods aren’t always troublesome. However, if they are constantly heavy or painful, or if they produce major mood shifts on a regular basis, they can seriously disrupt a person’s life. In addition, irregular or non- existent periods can make it harder to conceive. This blog will provide you with some of the most common period problems, including their causes and treatments. Some Common Menstrual...

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS): Treatment, Symptoms and Diagnosis
PCOS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a medical condition in women that affects the secretion level of hormones in a woman. This hormone imbalance leads to skipping of menstrual periods continuously and makes it harder for them to get pregnant. PCOS is also the reason behind of unwanted hair growth on the face and body and baldness. And it can also contribute to some long-term and life-threatening health problems like diabetes...

How to get rid of menstrual cramps?
How to get rid of menstrual cramps’ Period days can be a misery, especially if you’re experiencing intense menstrual cramps during your monthly cycle. When you get into your periods, your uterus contracts and sheds its lining, which is released as blood through your vagina. Contraction of the uterus leads to Period cramps which are triggered by changes in your body’s hormone levels. The beginning of menstruation includes celebrations, anxiety,...