
Menstrual cups are cheap, safe, user-friendly
A menstrual cup is a feminine hygiene product that looks small, funnel-like, and flexible. They are made of silicon or rubber that is inserted into the vagina to collect period blood and discharge. Unlike tampons and sanitary napkins which are single-used products, menstrual cups are reusable menstrual hygiene products that are eco-friendly. On the other hand, pads and tampons create a lot of period waste. Once inserted inside the vagina, a menstrual...

10 Reasons to Love Menstrual Cups
When we want to live a relaxed and worry-free life we want to have the most comfortable things around us that alleviate our stress and make us feel good. In the same manner to make our period days worry-free and happy it is essential that we go with the products that make us feel relaxed and not stressed about the most demanding days in the lives of a female. The...

Gynocup Reusable Menstrual Cup for Women
As far as periods are concerned, girls get traumatized by the whole experience they go through during their menstrual cycle. The pain, the sensitivity, the mood swings, and the whole process of changing pads or tampons, again and again, make it burdensome and unwanted. If asked, no one wants to be shackled due to their periods but the truth is that it is an inevitable process. The menstrual cycle cannot...

Types of Menstrual Cups and which one to choose
Menstrual cups have carved a niche among their contemporaries when it comes to menstrual hygiene products. People are moving towards this magical product that has made the lives of women easy and comfortable. The Premium menstrual cup has made today’s women fearless as they do not have to worry about catching any diseases if they are using menstrual cups. There are many companies that have come up with their own versions, and you...

The Best Menstrual Cups for Period Protection that should be on your list
Period protection is one of the most important things in the life of a woman as she has to go through it every month. It is an integral part of a female’s life that needs most of her attention as these crucial days need extra pampering and cleanliness. When we talk about periods there are so many thoughts that encircle our minds as to what is the safest menstrual hygiene...

Menstrual Cups Make Life Easier With its Benefits
Periods are undoubtedly one of the most challenging days for a girl who has to manage her day-to-day life with it. Carrying out our regular duties puts us under extreme pressure and fatigue but if we look at the problems that come with periods, we can give a pat on our back to carry on without bringing it on our faces. The days where most females experience mild to extreme...