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What is Menstrual Cup?

With its growing popularity many females want to know, What is menstrual cup? There has been a lot of concern when it comes to the usage of pads and tampons during the periods as they can cause unalarming harm to the body in the long run. So, what can be the Best Alternative that can help the environment and can keep you physically fit as well? The answer to it is the reusable menstrual cup.

About What is Period Cup

We are here to answer the question- what is a period cup or What is menstrual cup The answer to the simple question is both are same menstrual cup secondary name is period cup: It is a reusable funnel-shaped hygiene product that is flexible enough to insert into the vagina; it is made of 100% medical grade silicone to collect period flow instead of absorbing it.

It is one of the best women’s hygiene products because of many factors, one of which is that it can hold more blood than tampons and pads and thus you can wear it up to 12 hours a day without worrying about leakage depending upon the amount of flow one experiences.

As it is made up of medical-grade silicone and not from plastic or any other harmful material thus, it does not harm the environment compared to its contemporaries. Moreover, if taken proper care it can remain in good condition for a very long time as long as 5-8 years. In this case, also you need not dump it frequently like other menstrual hygiene products as it is reusable, causing negligible harm to the environment. It also allows you to remain on budget.

It is small in size so it can be easily carried in a small bag wherever you go. While traveling also it is very convenient to use. Depending upon your age, body type, whether you are a teenager or a married woman you can opt for your preferred size of menstrual cup. It is available in small, medium and also large sizes.

The best part is that it does not cause any medical risks to women and so you can use it without worrying about its repercussions.

How Does The Menstrual Cup Work

The question that generally pops up in our minds is –How does menstrual cup works? This small, flexible cup that is made of medical-grade silicone does not work like tampons and pads. It does not absorb the period flow, instead, it catches and collects it while in the vagina. It keeps collecting the flow until you want that its capacity has reached the maximum and you want to remove and empty it.

So what you need to do is that as you get alarmed that your period is about to begin you need to take the menstrual cup, fold it tightly and insert it like a tampon is inserted. All you need to take care of is the fact that if you feel uncomfortable in any way then it is a sign that the cup is not inserted properly.

So choose the fold you are comfortable with and insert the menstrual cup into the vagina and let it spring open. You will hear a pop-up sound ance you rotate it and it gets rested against the wall. This means it got sealed. The blood starts collecting into the cup.

Once it gets full, simply remove the cup by pulling it with the stem and pinching the base as this can easily release the seal. Empty the content and clean the cup with menstrual cup cleaning liquid or some mild soap and water. You can sterilize your cup in boiling water once you are through with your menstrual cycle. This conveniently answers your question about how menstrual cup works.

These Reusable Menstrual Cups can hold more period flow than any other hygiene products and can be used for 12 hours depending upon your Period flow. The Menstrual cup has been there for a long time but it took a while to become known in the market and become popular among the people.

Menstrual cups have actually been produced around 1937. Since then, there have been many companies that produced and manufactured reusable menstrual cups and have tried making them with substances ranging from medical-grade silicone.

Menstrual Cup vs Pads

Menstrual cup vs pads: Pads have been there for a very long time and females are conveniently using them also. There are many companies in the market that are coming up with lucrative USPs when it comes to attracting customers with these menstrual hygiene products. But what is the reality behind the fact that a large chunk of the population uses it? Are menstrual cups better than pads? What is the reality? Let us scrutinize it ourselves which is better- a menstrual cup or pads?

menstrual cup vs tampons and pads

Pads may seem convenient but they have a very bad impact on the health of females and it is a proven fact that it is one of the biggest causes of some forms of cancer in women. It contains harmful chemicals that are the underlying factors behind it.

Apart from that, vaginal infections, skin allergies, rashes, itchiness, and stickiness are some other issues that women have to deal with while using pads. On the other hand, the menstrual cup does not cause any harm to the health of the women. It is absolutely safe as it is made up of medical-grade silicone.

The pads not only harm the human body but also our environment. The sanitary pads take almost 500 to 700 years to get decomposed. As it contains plastic and each pad is equivalent to four bags of plastic.

So it really causes a great hazard to our environment. Moreover, they get dumped into the sewers and reach our water bodies to contaminate them. They are burnt openly and pollute the air we breathe. So its impact on the environment is very bad.

Pads give a very bad smell while it is used but it is not the case with menstrual cups as it rests inside the vagina and collects the blood. It does not cause any leakage also like pads so the question of bad smell is out of the question.

The number of pads one uses during the whole cycle exceeds the menstrual cup. The menstrual cup can be used for as long as 8-12 hours but the pads cannot be used more than 6 hours making a menstrual cup more desirable.

It can also save a large amount of money as well as it is reusable, unlike pads. Thus, we can say that a menstrual cup definitely wins the race when a comparison is made between a menstrual cup vs pads.

Advantages of Menstrual Cup

Periods are something that women experience every month and if the menstrual hygiene product you are using is not up to the mark then it can make things worse. There are many advantages of Menstrual cups that make them a priority on everyone’s list.

It is like a revolution in the lives of the females who have become fed up with the pads and tampons that make the period time as horrible as nightmares. Unlike tampons and pads, menstrual cups don’t dry the vagina. The menstrual cupon the other hand preserves healthy bacteria and protects you from vaginal infections.

If you are using menstrual cups then you need not worry about toxic shock syndrome (TSS) as it can be the rarest of the cases but if you use tampons then this rare and life-threatening condition can be a cause of worry for you.

Menstrual cups don’t contain chemicals that are used in the making of tampons and pads. These chemicals are responsible for ovarian cancer in women. Thus, the best way to save yourself from such a life-threatening disease is to switch to menstrual cups.

Reusable menstrual cups are environmentally friendly. The sanitary pads and tampons end up in landfills and take years (500-800 years) to get decomposed causing unimaginable harm to nature.

They not only contaminate our water bodies but also pollute the air that is the biggest risk to humans and their coming generations. On the other hand, the menstrual cup is made up of safe medical-grade silicone that does not harm the environment.

Moreover, it is also seen that women who use a menstrual cup complain less about menstrual cramps compared to the ones who use pads or tampons. Though there are no studies that prove the fact, it is an experience shared by many.

When females use pads and tampons they generally complain of a bad odor that gets developed when exposed to air but as menstrual cups are inserted into the vagina so it overrules this issue and females do not have to go through it while using menstrual cups.

With all the menstrual cup advantages it is advisable to switch to this amazing, menstrual hygiene product to make things easy for you and also contribute your bit towards the environment.

Some Menstrual Cup Advantages Below

Fall Under Your Budget: They are much more affordable than pads and tampons as they can be reused for months and years and thus are budget-friendly. On the contrary, the expensive pads and tampons can really exhaust your money.

Much Safe: The use of a reusable menstrual cup can be really safe as it does not cause any bacterial infection to you as it does not absorb the flow rather it collects it.

Experience Fewer Cramps: If you are using a menstrual cup instead of tampons or pads then you are more likely to experience fewer cramps as experienced by many.

They Are Safe For The Environment: It does not contribute to the waste in the environment as it can be reused for a long time after being cleaned.

Can Be Used For a Longer Time: as it can collect a large amount of blood in it thus it can be used for a longer time.

Disadvantages of Menstrual Cup

As there are two sides of the same coin, in the same manner, everything has its pros and cons. The menstrual cups are full of advantages but there are some disadvantages of using a menstrual cup as well that are not too big when compared to the disadvantages of pads and tampons but can be given some consideration.

One of the primary and the biggest disadvantages of menstrual cup is that it is difficult to find the right size. Cups come in different sizes and that one has to consider according to one’s age, flow, and whether you are a mother or not.

Finding the perfect fit can be a big challenge because these are some parameters that should be given consideration but there are exceptions as well. Moreover, if a female has a low cervix then she will have to try the different sizes to see what fits her well. Then only she can come to the conclusion.

Finding the perfect fit can be a big challenge because these are some parameters that should be given consideration but there are exceptions as well. Moreover, if a female has a low cervix then she will have to try the different sizes to see what fits her well. Then only she can come to the conclusion.

Apart from that, you need to sit or squat and push the cup down using your pelvic floor muscles as it makes it easy to grab the stem. Ten simply pinch the base to break the seal and remove it.

If you are moving out then do not rely on public toilets, it is always good to carry a water bottle and wipes to clean it if you need to empty and reuse it.

Thirdly, if you have got an intrauterine device (IUD) inserted then it may cause you a little trouble unless you are confident about using it. It could interfere with an IUD and could dislocate it. So it is always better to take the opinion of your doctor before using it.

Some Disadvantages of Using a Menstrual Cup

  1. It Can Be Really Messy:The insertion and removal of the menstrual cup can be really messy at times as it may be possible that you do not understand the process of doing it and you end up doing something not called for. Spills or feeling awkward doing it can be a part of it.

Sometimes It’s Hard For Insertion:They can be tough to insert by folding it the right way or even tough to take it out with the cup already filled with blood.

Difficult To Get The Right Size:This does not fit everyone so you will have to try some other size before finding the right fit for your vagina.


When it comes to health researchers have found out that there are no increased health risks associated with menstrual cups. In some studies that had 507 women in its state that reusable menstrual cups did not have negative effects on the health and vaginal flora.

As the cup has to be inserted into the vagina, there have been doubts that menstrual cups cause toxic shock syndrome (TSS). But the researchers found that there were only five cases of TSS that can be really fatal that are caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.

The study also says that many women use menstrual cups for the first time like them. 73% of women and girls show the willingness to continue with the menstrual cup after they understand how to use it.

Some studies also say that reusable menstrual cups can be used in challenging conditions like in places where people experience a lack of water and sanitation. Even in situations where there is less water availability it needs very less water to clean the menstrual cups.

The studies say that the researchers found that due to the use of reusable menstrual cups the amount of water used is reduced than the people actually needed during their periods.

Along with it less leakage due to menstrual cups means that there is no need to wash stained clothing and at some places where women still use the cloth as a reusable pad need a lot of water for washing them that could also be saved with the use of reusable menstrual cups.

But when it comes to the cost of it, the average global price of a cup is too much for a lot of countries; but if you compare it with the cost incurred by the usage of tampons and pads over a long period of time then the cup is a huge money saver as they can be used for a very long time after it is cleaned properly.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. 1. Does A Menstrual Cup Disturb Your Virginity?

A.No, there is no concern if virgins wear GynoCups as it does not lead to any difficulty. The insertion of the cup can be a little difficult if you are a virgin, but if you follow the instructions properly, it can be worn easily.

2. Are Menstrual Cups Right for You?

A.With all the advantages of reusable menstrual cups, they are the best for anyone who wants to switch to a better version of a hygiene product that is used during the periods. They are hassle-free, can go for a longer time, are made of medical-grade silicone, and are reusable thus also saves a lot of money.

3. Are Menstrual Cups Biodegradable?

A. Yes, absolutely! Biodegradable Menstrual cups are in demand with the awareness that is spreading among the masses. As these cups are made of medical-grade silicone it is very much safe. As these are reused for a long time they do not contribute to the waste in the environment. Apart from that, silicone is considered a pretty green ingredient as it is made from silica that is a type of sand. It slowly goes back to its original state as it degrades, and is not hazardous to the environment.

4. Can Menstrual Cups Get Stuck?

A.No, It is impossible for your cup to get stuck or lost in your vagina. Apart from coming out, it has no other place to go as your vagina also has a dead end. Thus, it can never be possible so don’t worry at all!

5. Can I Swim With The Menstrual Cup And Do Other Activities As Well?

A.Yes absolutely! GynoCup is designed in such a way that it does not disturb your daily activities. You do not need to fear leakage or disruption as it will keep you active throughout the day.

6. Which Menstrual Cup Size is best for Beginners?

A.Beginners here means the women who start using a reusable menstrual cup for the first time. Small, medium, and large are the three sizes of the menstrual cup, and depending upon the conditions are given below it can be used. Small Size is for teens & women less than 25 years of age, the medium size is for women who fall in between 25 to 30 years or have given birth to a child and the large size fits the women of more than 30 years of age or has given birth to a child. Also, 2o helpful tips for beginners click here.

7. For How Long the Menstrual Cup can be used?

A.The reusable menstrual cup can be used for as long as 12 hours depending upon your flow. It is good not to wear it for more than 12 hours. Try to clean after removing the cup and before re-suing the cup after 11-12 hours of blood absorption.

8. Which Menstrual Cup is Best in India?

A.Gynocup is the best reusable menstrual cup in India as it is designed keeping in mind the requirement of the women living in India and thus is appropriate in fulfilling their needs. It comes with all the advantages of fewer cramps, fewer leaks, and hassle-free and odor-free periods. All this and more to make you feel comfortable during your most stressful days.

9. What Is the Minimum age for using the Menstrual Cup?

A.If your periods have started then you can definitely use GynoCup. Users who are as young as 12 years old can use it without any worries as it is not harmful when it comes to taking care of your health and solving your requirements easily.

10. Is Menstrual Cup Best if you have a Low Cervix?

A.The cervix may dip inside the opening of the cup if you have a low cervix, and that’s not a problem at all. Still, if it is petite, flexible, and short then it will be great to serve your purpose as it will fit into a smaller space. Thus, it answers your question well!

11. Which Menstrual Cup is Best For Virgins?

A.Reusable Menstrual cups come in three different sizes- Small, medium, and large. Small Size is for teens & women less than 25 years of age thus it is ideal for virgins. The small cup is designed to fit in properly if you are a virgin as the opening of the vagina in this case is a little small and tense.

12. Can Menstrual Cup Cause Cancer?

A.Menstrual cups are generally regarded as safe when it comes to medical risks. If the instructions are followed properly then the risk of health hazards or catching a fatal disease can be ruled out easily.

Before The Insertion

If it is your first time then you may feel uncomfortable at the beginning so to rule it out you can grease the rim of it with water or any other water-based lubricant to make it easier for you to insert in.

The steps that you should consider while inserting it are:

1. Wash your hands thoroughly.

2. Apply water or water-based lubricant to the cup’s rim.

3. Fold the reusable menstrual cup in half by folding it tightly with the rim facing up.

4. With its rim up, insert the cup inside the vagina that should sit a few inches below your cervix.

5. As soon as you will rotate, it will get opened to create an airtight seal that stops the leakage.

The Different Types of Folds

C-fold or U-fold: Press the sides of the cup together to make it look like a long oval. The cup should be folded in half to look like the letters C or U.

Punch-down fold: push the rim into the center of the cup (near the base forming a triangle by putting a finger on the top rim of the cup.

7-fold: To make the top resemble a long oval, press the sides of the cup together; make it look like the number 7 by folding one side down diagonally. Consider your cup to fit in properly if you cannot feel it and you are not getting troubled during your daily activities like jumping, sitting, exercising, or standing. It should not fall out during these activities.

When To Consider Taking It Out?

You can use the cup for 6 to 12 hours as per your convenience and the period flow. Remove the cup maximum by 12 hours. If you find it getting filled before 12 hours then take it out early.

How Should You Remove Menstrual Cup?

A person can bend down slightly similar to having a bowel movement take it out. There are certain steps you should consider while taking it out:

1. Wash your hands properly.

2. Make use of your index finger and your thumb to take it out. You just need to pull the stem of the reusable menstrual cup with caution and until you touch the base.

3. To release the seal, pinch the base and pull it down slowly to remove the cup.

4. Empty the cup in the toilet.

5. Complete info how to clean menstrual cup click here.

 how to clean menstrual cup

Take Care of Your Cup!

The reusable menstrual cup should be emptied and then cleaned and wiped properly before being reused. These months can be used for years if taken care of properly.

Watch Video For Better Understand

So, this is the what is menstrual cup or period cup overview. We hope you have understood what is a period cup very well thank you for your time. Also, you can visit our blog page for new updates about periods and menstrual cups subscribe to us for the latest updates.

if you want to take GynoCup safest menstrual cup click here menstrual cup click here and keep your periods happy and comfortable keep safe and hygiene.

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