
The Best Menstrual Cups for Period Protection that should be on your list
Period protection is one of the most important things in the life of a woman as she has to go through it every month. It is an integral part of a female’s life that needs most of her attention as these crucial days need extra pampering and cleanliness. When we talk about periods there are so many thoughts that encircle our minds as to what is the safest menstrual hygiene...

All you need to know the modern menstrual hygiene products: Menstrual cups and Menstrual discs
Menstrual cups and discs, both are used as menstrual hygiene products that are the best eco-friendly options available to manage your periods. You can buy menstrual cup and disc both easily but before that, there are some important points that need to be discussed that make the menstrual cups and discs differ from each other; some of them are shape, fit, and how they fit and create a seal. Menstrual...

The Best Menstrual Cups for More Eco-Friendly Period Care
It is very essential to take measures to preserve our environment as it is seen that menstrual hygiene products form a part of the landfills which end up in the trash polluting the waterbodies and contaminating the air. The menstrual products are considered medical waste and thus, not tracked, making it difficult for the researchers to make it out what percentage of waste they create. Most menstrual hygiene products cannot...

Menstrual Cups Make Life Easier With its Benefits
Periods are undoubtedly one of the most challenging days for a girl who has to manage her day-to-day life with it. Carrying out our regular duties puts us under extreme pressure and fatigue but if we look at the problems that come with periods, we can give a pat on our back to carry on without bringing it on our faces. The days where most females experience mild to extreme...