Are menstrual cups a safe option if we want to switch from the traditional menstrual hygiene product?

Menstrual hygiene is one of the very important issues that every woman deals with. Whether you belong to a rural or urban background nobody can remain indifferent to the sensitive matter. Menstruation is a long-term ongoing process that affects every woman in its own way. Some get into the habit of dealing with it every month while some go through a series of changes that are difficult for them to deal with. There are ample products that have captured the market when it comes to menstrual hygiene and the companies are leaving no stone unturned to get the attention of female clients by adding new USPs to their products. But recently the product that has revolutionized the market with its presence is the menstrual cup.
Many people must have used it but many must be there who ought to be unaware of the magical menstrual cup. So, if it sounds new to you then let us discuss it.
What is a Menstrual Cup?
The menstrual cup is a menstrual hygiene device that looks like a cup and is used to collect menstrual blood. It works in a totally different manner when it comes to menstrual hygiene as it does not absorb menstrual blood but collects it in its cup-shaped device. These cups are a revolutionary product that comes with many USPs that prove to be great for menstrual hygiene. It lasts for a long period, is good from the health’s perspective and is also easy to use.
How to use a menstrual cup?
The menstrual cups are very easy to use. Initially, you may find it a little tricky but once you get into the habit of using it, it will become very easy to use it.
Determine the right size:
A menstrual cup comes in three sizes. Small, medium and large. It is meant to be used for females of different age groups. One needs to choose the size as per their age and keep the point in mind whether they have delivered a child or not. If you fall under the age group of 18 and you are a teenager then you can choose the small size. If you are above the age group of 18 years and have delivered via C-section the medium size is appropriate for you. For the large size. It suits the women who have delivered a child normally and are again above 18 years.
Sterilize the cup once purchased:
The cup should be sterilized once purchased. All you need to do is to take a pot and fill it with water and boil it. Wash your hands and put the cup in the boiling pot in a way that it does not touch its base. Let it boil for 3-5 minutes. Once it is done again, wash your hands and take out the menstrual cup and place it on a clean surface and let it cool.
Fold it the way you like:
There are many folds that you can try to fold the menstrual cup but the easiest for beginners is the C-Fold or the 7-Fold. Once you are done with the fold, be ready to insert it.
Insert the cup:
Once you are ready to insert the cup, you can squat as it will be the most comfortable position to start the process. But before that apply lube to the rim of the menstrual cup as it will make the insertion easy for you. Now insert the cup inside the vagina and twist it in a circular motion so that it pops open to create a seal against the wall of the vagina.
USP’s of a menstrual cup?
There are many USPs of a menstrual cup that makes it very popular among the millennials and the women who want to switch towards a sustainable option as they understand their responsibility towards their environment and their own health.
They are made up of medical-grade silicone and no trace of plastic is involved in their production. The medical-grade silicone is safe from the point of view of health and does not cause any diseases. They are absolutely safe for the skin also and do not contribute to causing rashes, redness, or any kind of allergies.
They are easy on pockets and do not burden the user. Once purchased they can be used for years and so it helps in saving a lot of money.
They do not pollute the water bodies and the environment as they are not disposed of frequently as pads and tampons. They can go on for a long time and can be used for up to 5-6 years if taken care of.
They can be worn for long hours as per the need. If you have scanty periods then you can wear it comfortably for up to 12 hours at a stretch while with people with heavy flow, it can be worn for up to 8 hours without any hassles.
It avoids spills and leakages as it is worn inside the private parts and creates a suction sticking to the walls of the vagina leaving no space for spills and leakages. So, you can go on with your regular life as usual.
There is only one potential risk of using a menstrual cup and that is Toxic shock syndrome (TSS). The possibility of catching it is very rare where the person suffering from it can have a threatening bacterial infection that can prove to be fatal.
The above-mentioned USPs are a testimony of it being safe but there is more to it apart from these. It is absolutely safe to use menstrual cups if we compare them with other menstrual hygiene products.
Who should avoid using it?
There are females who may be suffering from some health conditions, in that case, they should talk to their health professionals before considering using it.
- Females who find vaginal penetration painful
- Females having uterine fibroids
- Females suffering from endometriosis