Why Is My Period Late?

7 Possible Reasons For Missed Period
This blog is for you if you are always worried about your period arriving late. Whenever the period is late, you will most likely believe that you’re pregnant. But it’s not true, Mensuration can be delayed for a variety of causes, and it isn’t always indicative of pregnancy. Lets just learn about the extrinsic factors and situations that might cause late periods.
1. Your Birth Control pills
Although birth control can help manage your period, women who take extended-cycle birth control tablets won’t have menstruation on a standard 28-day cycle. This is because these contraceptives work on a 91-day cycle, which means your period will come after every three months.
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Each ovary creates about five follicles during a typical menstrual cycle, and these follicles compete to become the dominant one that releases a mature egg at ovulation. Additional follicles are commonly known as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), which makes the process take longer than usual. Weight gain and elevated levels of the testosterone-like hormone androgen, which can produce dense hair growth on the face and breasts, are other PCOS symptoms. There are women with irregular periods who are not overweight or have abundant hair, and an ultrasound will reveal that they have excessive follicles.
3. Stress
Emotional distress can alter the part of the brain that controls our pituitary gland, which governs the hormones that activate our ovaries. This is the reason behind women being emotionally sick in their period days. Physical and mental stress both constitute a very important factor in delayed periods.
4. Fluctuating Weight
Late periods can also be caused by excessive weight loss. Severe weight loss and anorexia can prevent the hypothalamus from producing the hormones that govern the ovaries, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Gaining body weight can have a similar effect, especially when related to conditions like PCOS. And a similar percentage of weight gain can cause a late or missed period.
5. Perimenopause
On an average woman experiences menopause at the age of 51, but before that, they go through a transitional period known as perimenopause. During this time, which usually starts in the 40s, some people have delayed menstrual cycles. Instead of the standard 28 days between periods, they may arrive 36 or 48 days apart.
6. A Pituitary Tumor
A prolactinoma, a form of pituitary tumor that secretes excessive levels of prolactin, the hormone that signals breast milk production can be to blame for a late period. Women who have irregular periods, headaches, blurry vision, or discharge from the breasts, even if they aren’t breastfeeding, should have their doctor check for this sort of tumor.
7. Diabetes and Thyroid Disease
Other conditions such as diabetes and thyroid illness, maybe to fault. Many women will not ovulate for various reasons, which can result in an early or delayed menstruation. Determining the cause may require more testing, depending on her background.
When to Visit the Doctor
If you can’t determine the cause of your late period, make an appointment with your doctor immediately. It’s also worth noting that vaginal bleeding with a missed period might not be the monthly visitor you expected. Anyone who has significant bleeding and pain following a missing period and/or a positive pregnancy test should see a doctor.
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