8 Intimate Hygiene Tips For Women

Intimate Tips For Women
In this article, we will know about 8 healthy hygiene intimate tips. Feminine hygiene is a very important part of a woman’s routine that is often neglected either because of the hectic schedule or sometimes due to the taboo associated with it. Most of the women still refrain from talking about intimate hygiene.
Intimate hygiene is as important as taking a bath daily or washing our hands. If not given due consideration it can lead to many problems that can affect the health of a woman. Irrespective of your age you should take care of intimate hygiene. There are some intimate tips that you should keep in mind to stay healthy.
Tips For First Time Intimate Hygiene
1. Always Wear Dry Undergarments
It is very important to stay away from damp undergarments as it can lead to vaginal infection as well as bad odor. Always keep in mind to dry your intimate area after urinating as it can wet your undergarments. So the best way is to use toilet paper or a soft cloth to wipe your intimate area after urinating.
In addition to it, it is also advisable to avoid using talcum powder to keep your intimate area dry as it increases the risk factor of catching endometrial cancer. Moreover. Wiping your intimate area too often also leads to excessive dryness that can be harmful and cause itchiness and also pain during intercourse.
2. Change Your Sanitary Pads After Every 4-6 Hours
To maintain your health it is always good to change your sanitary pads after every 4-6 hours. Even if you are using tampons then also change it after every 6 hours as it can lead to bad odor, skin infection, rashes. Looking at the bigger picture it is one of the leading causes of ovarian cancer also. So to rule out such possibilities it is good to make it a habit to change pads or tampons after 4-6 hours. Also, keep in mind to clean your vagina and dry it after changing the pad.
3. Clean Your Vagina After Intercourse
After having intercourse some women might not be in the habit of cleaning their private parts but it is a must to clean your vagina after you are finished with the intercourse. It can cause irritation or even vaginal infection as body fluids and substances from the condoms can enter the vagina. There is no need to use soap, cleaning it with water can serve the purpose. Also, you can use female intimate wash for more info visit here.
4. Never Use Soap
It always feels good to use new soaps that come in the market that have good fragrance and attractive colors but it is a strict no-no when it comes to cleaning your intimate area. You should completely stay away from the harsh soaps that have many harmful chemicals and strong fragrances. These can disturb the pH balance of your vagina that can cause irritation. It can also disturb the balance of healthy bacteria in your private part. You can instead go for an intimate hygiene wash or a mild organic soap with lukewarm water to clean the area.
5. Refrain From Scented Feminine Hygiene Products
Scented products that are made for feminine hygiene should never be a part of your hygiene routine as these are not good for your intimate parts. There are many products available in the market like, vaginal deodorants, wipes, scrubs, hair removal creams that are laden with chemicals that can lead to infections. Harsh products like scrubs can peel off the skin and further increase the risk of vaginal infection.
6. Practice Safe Sex
To avoid vaginal infections, sexually transmitted diseases like HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes, warts, and also unwanted pregnancies it is always good to practice safe sex. You can use condoms that are easily available at any pharmacy and are one of the most effective ways to avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Avoid using lubricants while having sex as it is also one of the causes of infections and moreover it can also damage the vaginal cells and cause irritation.
7. Avoid Wearing Clothes That Are Too Tight
Tight and synthetic clothes can cause excessive sweating that can lead to the growth of bacteria and yeast. This results in vaginal infection. So it’s always good to wear cotton undergarments that are not too tight.
8. Do Not Shave Pubic Hair
One should avoid shaving pubic hair as it helps in protecting the vulva from bacterial infection. If you still want to clean it then be cautious while using a razor as it can cause injury and increase the chances of infections.
- Posted in intimate tips, tips for first time intimate